Friday, February 4, 2011



Ola2, pasar dalam ladang getah??? Ohhh!! Teringat daku ketika mengunjungi pasar trsebut… (uwekkzz.. bahasa skema aku tulis td)
Hm, sebenaqnya pada hari ahad lepas, aku n da geng(GBS) g pasar ladang getah 2 setelah mendengar pelbagai cerita daripada kawan n lect aku.. sampai ja sana aku tak toghah*(x tentu arah).. owh~em~ji!!!! Besaqnya pasar ni!!! Dalam ladang getah plak tu??? Kihkih.. semestinya pemandangan kat situ mmg shantek lah… 

Informasi pasal pasar ni

lokasi: kat kampong pauh, perlis…

Waktu dibuka: aku x tw.. aku p hari ahad pagi

Barang yang dijual:
1.       semua barang2 masakan(basah n kering)
2.       kain2 baju, tudung, selendang, beg
3.       bundle
4.       ishk2, susah nk cita.. banyak ngat barang dijual kt sana.. p tengok sniri lah no kalo ada kesempatan

haa… naahh tengok pasar ni… cuba anda bayangkan pasar dalam ladang getah.. celah2 pokok ada gerai.. cantikkan?? Aku suka!! Kalo ampa suma x suka, ada aku kesah?? Kihkih..

ni ha, kalo x caya gih.. nilah salah satu pokok getah kt cna... kalo owg jahat la, dh lama dh rembat getah pokok ni...





ok2 bwh ni plak barang2 yg ada kt pasar 2...sprti yg di mention kn kt atas... 

1. tudung / shawl
2. cucuk-cucuk yang amat sedap!!
3. bahan masakan
4. baju-baju
5. gula2!!!

apa2 pon, tmpat2 macam nipon aku boleh habis dalam RM30!!!! Aku x boleh trima!!! Waawaaa~~ dwet aku!!! Seb bek elaun dh msok dh!!!! Tapi kebengongan btoi la ku niihh!!! Mana p hilang ntah azam aku bila jejak pasar 2… yg aku geram sebab bukannya beli barang2 masakan!!! Tapi aku p beli…hihiiii, xmo gtaw..(gegeh+gedixz)… RM30 pon aku boleh beli macam2.. cuba kalo nek shoppin complex..apa yg aku boleh beli??? X cukop beb kalo dalam poket bw RM30… tp cuba kalo p RM30 rasa cm kaya dh kn??? Hehheee… jom la melawat pasar ni.. syoq wo0o…

Trimas sebab baca entry ni…. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ne-Yo - One In A Million

ni adalah mv one in a million by NeYo...ada jln pnceritaan ya di situ..
so slmt menonton!

u r so 1 in a million

assalamualaikum!!! i want to share about.....the song that i keep listening again and again....even lgu neh dh agk lma but ak still suka dgr sbb 1st lgu neh memuji perempuan and 2nd sbb koreografinya..hehe......ak xjemu lg la stkt neh dgq lgu one in a million ni..^^

siapa yg dh tonton mv neh?? ak cnfrm rmai yg dh tgk kn...hehe...yer la lgu neh dh popular kt us sna sktr oct 2010...ak suka tgk Galen Hooks dlm mv neh sbb dia mmg nmpk mcm girl next door...nad koreografinya mmg kna dgn lgu...yer la kalo koreografi mmg tgkap leleh peluh habeh cmna NeYo nk nyanyi live nnt kalo dia nk dance skali...hehe...Galen Hooks jugak yg koreografkan dancing one in a million neh...she is a dancer...patut la body cun..hehe...dia jugak muncul dlm mv NeYo beautiful monster tp dlm tu dh xjdk girl next door la...sbb jdk monster yg cantik ....hoho.....

lirik lagu one in a million neh plak mnceritakan ttg sorg laki ni dlm byk2 perempuan yg dia jmp, dia telah trpikat dgn sorg perempuan ni yg mmg dia sorg ja nmpk kelebihan perempuan tu tnpa trpikat dgn rupa parasnya n dia nmpk special nya perempuan tu kt mata dia dr perempuan2 yg dia pernah jmp...fuhh...haha...ak nk detail kan sket lirik neh pun nnt lg pening orang yg check this out =========>

Nothing better. 

Call me Mr. been there done that 
Top model chick to your every day hood rat 
Less than all but more than a few 
But I've never met one like you 

Been all over the world 
Done a little bit of everything 
Little bit of everywhere 
With a little bit of everyone 
All the girls I've been with 
Things I've seen it takes much to impress 
But sure enough your glow it makes your soul stand out from all the rest, baby. 

I could be in love 
But I just don't know (don't know, girl) 
Baby one thing is for certain 
Whatever you do is working 
Other girls don't matter 
In your presence can't do what you do 
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you 

Girl you're so one in a million 
You are 
Baby you're the best I ever had 
Best I ever had 
And I'm certain that 
There ain't nothing better 
No there ain't nothing better than this 

You're not a regular girl 
You don't give a damn about the loot 
Talking about I can't do for you 
But you can do for yourself 
Even though that ain't so 
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end 
But that independent thing I'm with it 
All we do is win baby 

I could be in love 
But I just don't know (don't know, girl) 
Baby one thing is for certain 
Whatever you do is working 
Other girls don't matter 

In your presence can't do what you do 
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you 

Baby you're so one in a million 
You are 
Baby you're the best I ever had 
Best I ever had 
And I'm certain that 
There ain't nothing better 
No there ain't nothing better than this 
Girl you're so one in a million 
You are 
Baby you're the best I ever had 
Best I ever had 
And I'm certain that 
There ain't nothing better 
No there ain't nothing better than this 

Diamond girl, 
Only one in the world, 
Just one of a kind, 
She mine. 

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be 
A future baby 
Baby you're one of a kind 
That means that you're the only one for me 
Only one for me 

Baby (girl) you're so one in a million 
You are 
Baby you're the best I ever had 
Best I ever had 
And I'm certain that 
There ain't nothing better 
No there ain't nothing better than this 
Girl you're so one in a million 
You are 
Baby you're the best I ever had 
Best I ever had 
And I'm certain that 
There ain't nothing better 
No there ain't nothing better than this

haa....dh nmpk kn apa yg nk disampaikan....hoho....kalo xjugak tu mmg kna ambik dictionary sbb ak pun bukn terer sgt nk trnslte..mklum la english pun agk tidak memuaskan ati & perasaan....
whatever it is...koreografinya masih mnjdi inspirasi ak untuk suka lagu neh...hoho...

* n i am inspector chin-chin^^

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Doubt - Running

ni adalah mv no doubt running.....hehe....slmt menonton!^^

A Song From.....


okai skrg ak nk share lgu neh lak....running by no doubt....

Running all the time
Running to the future
With you right by my side

I'm the one you chose
Out of all the people

You wanted me the most
I'm so sorry that I've fallen
Help me up lets keep on running
Don't let me fall out of love

Running, running
As fast as we can
Do you think we'll make it?
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

Be the one I need
Be the one I trust most
Don't stop inspiring me
Sometimes it's hard to keep on running
We work so much to keep it going
Don't make me want to give up

ok2 lgu neh mnceritakan ttg seorg individu neh yg memerlukan org lain dlm idup dia..dlm erti kta lain mybe psgn or mmbe dia...kira dlm lgu neh dia mgharapkan susah sma2 sng pun sma2..ak sgt suka lgu ni since f1 sbb muzik dia yg relaks..hehe...
penyanyi utk kump no doubt neh xlain xbukn mst la gwen stefani kn...tym neh pun dia still lg remaja n blom slmt berenjoy la utk lgu neh...hehe... ^^