Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Song From.....


Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby
Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say I was left to cry there,
waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided

Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
You, you need to listen I'm starting to trip,
I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone

Am I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's place
when you turn around can you recognize my face you used to love me,
you used to hug me
But that wasn't the case
Everything wasn't ok I was left to cry there
waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided


Crying out loud I'm crying out loud
Crying out loud I'm crying out loud

Open your eyes
Open up wide
Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there
when I was scared I was so alone Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
Why should I care
If you don't care then I don't care were not going anywhere
Why should I care cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
Why should I care If you don't care then I don't care were not going anywhere 

assalamualaikum! ak trigt lak ngn lgu neh.....lgu peberet ak tym sek men dlu...haha..ak suka stai avril tym neh sbb nmpk len dr yg len n very da original hmemade haha...skrg pun dia lain sbb lg cun dr dlu..hoho.......lirik neh ditulis sndri oleh avril ngn dibantu oleh mmbe dia clif & magness. bg ak avril neh byk song dia yg dia tulis sndri. thats y la lgu dia kbykn brmkna isi trsirat punya.videoclip dia akn ak letak kmudian...hoho...lirik neh brkisarkan ttg seorg gadis neh yg da balak tp balak dia asyik ignore dia ja n brniat nk mmprmainkan dia...lalu...trhasillah lirik & bait2 losing grip neh. kpda jejaka2 di luar sna,kalo xmau aweks2 anda scream like what avril did in this song, hrgailah psgn masing2...haha...aceeeh cm ak neh pro xpa...most lyrics from da song tat we heard r through da experience from da writer itself. ^^

*dan ini inspector chin-chin brkongsi prkara di ats...hoho :-)

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